Balanced Diet & Nutrition Guidelines – Dr.dr. Luciana Sutanto, MS, SpGK
To meet our daily nutritional needs, we should get a variety of nutrients. Based on scientific research, it is proven that eating balanced diet could provide adequate nutrients and support our health.
A balanced diet is not a ‘diet’ to set out weight loss by reducing eating per se, but more so related to the idea of meal planning, quantity & the quality of essential nutrients consumed.
Essential nutrients include carbohydrate, protein, fat (grouped as macronutrient), and vitamin and mineral (grouped as micronutrient). Macronutrient helps the body to produce energy, while micronutrient do not produce energy.
Macronutrients have different roles in the body. Carbohydrate and fat are energy sources, while protein is building block in our body, which forms new cells and tissues (growth) and replaces damaged cells. We can fulfil our carbohydrate needs from bread, grains, and oats to name a few. Fats from oil and butter. Protein from meats, egg, and dairy products.
Recommended Daily Servings from The Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes RI):
Carbohydrates: should be consumed in 3-4 servings per day
Protein: 2-3 servings of protein per day.
Fats (may be available in protein food sources): 5 tablespoons in the form of oil.
Vitamins & Minerals from:
Vegetables: 3-4 servings consumption per day
Fruits 2-3 servings per day
Sugar and salt: no more than 4 tablespoons of sugar & 1 teaspoon of salt per day
Let’s eat a balance diet to get healthy body!