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Importance of Protein – Dr.dr. Luciana Sutanto, MS, SpGK

Ever wonder why it’s crucial to include proteins in your diet?

Proteins are the composition of various body cells, namely enzymes, hormones, muscles, blood cells, skin, hair and others.

The smallest part of the protein is called amino acid. When we eat protein, it will be broken down into smaller pieces, namely amino acids and then will be absorbed through the intestine.


Protein source

There are two sources of protein:  animal and vegetable.


Animal protein has a higher biological value compared to vegetable protein. Examples of animal protein are: eggs, meat, fish, milk, poultry, and seafood.


Vegetable protein has the advantage of containing fiber. Examples of vegetable protein are: soybeans, peanuts, tofu, and tempeh.


Protein Consumption & Recommendation:

In order to get optimal benefits from the protein, we must also consume enough carbohydrates and fat as sources of energy.


Healthy adults need about 60-90 grams of protein, while children, pregnant women and athletes,

need extra protein.


Below are the list of protein content in food. For 10 grams of protein, we can obtain from:

1 piece of chicken egg

beef (boneless) 50 grams

chicken (boneless) 50 grams

fresh fish (boneless) 50 grams

prawns (skinless) 50 grams

1 cup of milk

10 medium pieces of meatballs

peeled peanuts 2 tablespoons

soybeans 2 1/2 tablespoons

tofu 100 grams

tempeh 50 grams


Aside from the above, you can also consume all the proteins you need in a single meal, such as a sandwich. Pair your favorite protein with bread and vegetables to make it into a perfect, balanced meal. Easy right?

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